First step, open the prologue to a more serious debate. @R968798

I often see huge campaigns about the debates surrounding the tax burden that support collecting states on their administration goals, and the liberalizations' demonization of leftist ideas is often recurring in falling into topics that involve giving a thematic treatment as if one of the ideological aspects of the left, including the mixed left, were exactly the same policies, which is false. But even omitting that, I have noticed that those who believe they are better management models have not been able to demonstrate it in their entire political life when we discuss the redistribution of access to the same opportunities and rights.
Usually the omissions that I find in this kind of presentations that start their approaches from omissions is that right and left mutually incur in avoiding certain historical data, economic liberalism omits what is the way and model of life that it has developed and mechanized and its costs in human lives from the point of view of health, pollution, the arms business and financial speculation, etc. And the leftists omit the poor distribution of resources that they bureaucratize as collecting States, in the cases in which clearly -even with the constant boycotts that the rights do to them- they fail to capture in fact a quality of life that is promised to those who suffer what the other political models deny them. That is, if we call the other oppressive political models of the majority, the left is and will always be obliged to show itself in behaviors that generate the opposite of bad living that they reproach the right.

¿Se imaginan a Malcom X, a Martin Luther King, a Fidel Castro, a Lenin, a Trotsky, a Guevara, a la propia Rosa de Luxemburgo en marchas del orgullo gay junto a transexuales que pidan hormonas? Pues no, no se lo pueden ni imaginar, y sencillamente no se lo pueden imaginar porque las prioridades obreras no son ir al matarife o a laburar de albañil con corpiño y siliconas. Pero sí es cierto que existió un tipo ligado al Plan Cóndor llamado Kissinger.

Revisemos algunas cosas. Mi historial de Twitter por ejemplo:

Yo comparto muchas de las ideas que dice tener Miryam y otras como estoy explicándolo no.


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